Right Vs. Left News

Monday, 11 March 2024 16:30

Biden Fumbles His Words YET AGAIN, Just Wait For It... Featured

Written by RVL
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President Biden has recently faced criticism for his remarks in an interview, where he credited "undocumented" immigrants for the construction of the United States.

This statement came shortly after he attributed the nation's development to the middle class and unions in his State of the Union address.

During his address, Biden underscored the significant role of union workers and the middle class in shaping America. He reiterated his conviction that the middle class forms the country's backbone and that unions were instrumental in its formation.

"Wall Street didn’t build America. They’re not bad guys. They didn’t build it, though. The middle class built the country, and unions built the middle class,” Biden declared during the State of the Union.

However, in a subsequent interview with Jonathan Capehart of MSNBC, Biden shifted his stance, attributing the country's construction to "undocumented" immigrants. "I'm not gonna treat any of these people with disrespect. They built this country," Biden stated.


Biden's use of the term "undocumented" followed his apology for referring to Jose Ibarra, a Venezuelan national and active gang member implicated in Laken Riley's death, as "illegal" during his State of the Union address. In his conversation with Capehart, Biden clarified that he should have used "undocumented" instead of "illegal," further asserting that illegal immigrants are "the reason our economy is growing."


Former President Trump, at a recent campaign rally, mocked Biden for retracting his reference to Laken’s killer as an illegal.

"They have a new name that’s even worse. You know what the new name is? Neighbor," Trump remarked. "A newcomer to our country… are we going crazy or what? Is this country going crazy? How about that one, newcomer… no, he was an illegal. And I say he was an illegal alien. He was an illegal immigrant. He was an illegal migrant. And he shouldn’t have been in our country, and he never would have been under the Trump policy."

This article was sourced from RVL1-AM
Read 598 times Last modified on Monday, 11 March 2024 16:30

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