Right Vs. Left News

Sunday, 18 October 2020 10:00

Obama Riding in to Campaign for Joe Biden at the 11th Hour Featured

Written by Mike LaChance
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“Former President Barack Obama will head to Philadelphia on Wednesday to campaign on behalf of the Biden-Harris ticket, his first appearance on the trail thus far.”

Obama took his sweet time to endorse Joe Biden after the Democratic primary. He was also pretty quiet throughout the summer. Now he is going to step up and start campaigning for Biden at the last minute.

Doesn’t it seem a little late for this?


Obama still has star power in Democratic circles, but it’s hard to know if he can move the needle in any meaningful way.

Vandana Rambaran reports at FOX News:

Obama to stump for Biden less than two weeks before election

Former President Barack Obama will head to Philadelphia on Wednesday to campaign on behalf of the Biden-Harris ticket, his first appearance on the trail thus far.

With just two weeks until the election, Obama will rally support in a battleground state that President Trump won by less than a percentage point in 2016.

Current polls show Democratic opponent Joe Biden leading Trump by more than five percentage points, according to a Real Clear Politics average. Philadelphia bolstered Obama’s White House victories in both 2008 and 2012, when Biden was his running mate.

This article was sourced from LegalInsurrection

Read 331 times Last modified on Sunday, 18 October 2020 12:16

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