Right Vs. Left News

Saturday, 05 December 2020 18:00

Video: Nancy Pelosi Admits She Deliberately Stalled Relief Bill, Now Will Compromise Since Trump Lost Featured

Written by Stacey Matthews
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“That is a total game-changer. A new president and a vaccine,” Pelosi said when asked why she was suddenly now open to a smaller relief package than she was before the election.

President Trump made it a priority over the last several months to point out to the media that Democrats were using the Wuhan virus pandemic and stalling a relief bill in a deliberate attempt to undermine his presidency and hand him a defeat on Election Day.


In response, reporters would mock and ridicule his claims, feigning outrage that he would dare level such a heinous accusation against his political opposition.

After all, what Trump was saying, in a nutshell, is that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other Democratic leaders in the House were willing for people and businesses to continue suffering under months-long government-mandated lockdowns without federal relief in order to blame Trump for the lack of relief and to give Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden a big legislative victory in the event he won the election.

It was indeed a heinous claim, but one that those of us paying attention from the cheap seats knew to be true. And on Friday during her weekly press conference, Pelosi confirmed she purposely held up the coronavirus relief bill because of politics.

This article was sourced from LegalInsurrection

Read 576 times Last modified on Saturday, 05 December 2020 22:04

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