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Friday, 30 October 2020 12:41

Joe Biden: 'I'm going to shut down the virus' without shutting down the economy Featured

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Apparently there is a magic solution to the coronavirus crisis that every nation in the world has missed. Luckily for us, Joe Biden is going to make it happen:

I'm not going to shut down the country.

I'm not going to shut down the economy.

I'm going to shut down the virus.

— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) October 30, 2020


From the very beginning of the stay-at-home orders back in April, the idea was that in order to enforce social distancing and limit the spread of the virus so that it didn’t overwhelm the health system, we needed to clamp down on people going out. That meant things like bars, restaurants, gyms, movie theaters, etc. would need to close at least until things were under control. As it turned out, things have never really been under control. We’ve had various surges around the country and are in the midst of one now with 90,000 new cases in a single day.

And something similar is happening in Europe. Belgium is one of he hardest hit countries in Europe at the moment and they just announced a new lockdown.

Belgian authorities on Friday announced a six-week closure of nonessential businesses and tight limits on social contacts as the country tries to stave off caseloads that could fill hospitals to capacity within a week.

This article was sourced from Hot Air

Read 341 times Last modified on Friday, 30 October 2020 19:41

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