Right Vs. Left News

Monday, 30 January 2023 06:30

Can't Catch A Break: Famous Comedian Jay Leno Gets Into Motorcycle Accident Just MONTHS After Burn Incident Featured

Written by RVL
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Jay Leno, being the true comedian he is, stays true to form as he cracks jokes about his latest vehicle accident.

The Daily Wire reports the well-known funny man and former host of the “Tonight Show” suffered broken bones on January 17 in a motorcycle accident just a couple of months after being severely burned while working on a car.

In an interview with the Las Vegas Review-Journal, 72-year-old Leno explained what had happened and didn’t want to turn the accident into a major incident because it followed so closely after the November burning accident.

Leno explained in the interview, “That was the first accident. OK? Then just last week, I got knocked off my motorcycle.” “So I’ve got a broken collarbone. I’ve got two broken ribs. I’ve got two cracked kneecaps.”

Leno responded, “I’m OK!” “I’m OK, I’m working. I’m working this weekend,” when the interviewer reacted with concern after Leno explained the details of his injuries.

The motorcycle accident occurred while Leno was test-driving a 1940 Indian motorcycle. While riding the vintage machine, he smelled gas emanating from the bike and knew he had to check it out.

He explained, “So I turned down a side street and cut through a parking lot, and unbeknownst to me, some guy had a wire strung across the parking lot but with no flag hanging from it.” “So, you know, I didn’t see it until it was too late. It just clothesline[d] me and, boom, knocked me off the bike.” “The bike kept going, and you know how that works out."

When asked why he had kept quiet about the accident, Leno explained, “You know, after getting burned up, you get that one for free.” He jokingly added, “After that, you’re Harrison Ford, crashing airplanes. You just want to keep your head down."

In the November 2022 accident where Leno suffered third-degree burns during a garage fire, he told The Wall Street Journal, “You have to joke about it. There’s nothing worse than whiny celebrities. If you joke about it, people laugh along with you."

Leno went on to say, “But really, it was an accident, that’s all.” “Anybody who works with their hands on a regular basis is going to have an accident at some point. If you play football, you get a concussion or a broken leg. Anything you do, there’s a risk factor.”

This article was sourced from RVL1-AM
Read 7186 times Last modified on Monday, 30 January 2023 06:30

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