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Sunday, 11 October 2020 14:16

FIREWORKS! CNN’s Jake Tapper Blasts Biden’s Comms Director After She Falsely Claims Confirming ACB to SCOTUS Would be “Unconstitutional” (VIDEO) Featured

Written by Cristina Laila
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You know it’s bad when CNN blasts Biden’s campaign.

Biden’s communications director twisted herself into a pretzel trying to explain why confirming Amy Cony Barrett to the Supreme Court is somehow “unconstitutional.”

It’s not.

Jake Tapper blasted Biden’s comms director on Sunday during her appearance on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

“[Biden] says it’s not constitutional what they’re doing. How is it not constitutional what they’re doing?” Tapper asked.

“The vast majority of the people say that they want the person who wins the election on November 3rd to nominate the justice,” Biden’s comms director said.

“That’s a poll! That’s not the constitution!” Tapper replied.

Jake Tapper repeatedly pushed back on Biden’s comms director’s lies.

Biden is in big trouble with his refusal to answer the court packing question if even CNN is pushing back!


Joe Biden falsely claims confirming Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court would be “unconstitutional.”

When pressed to specify what part of the constitution it violates, Biden’s communications director awkwardly failed to come up with an answer! pic.twitter.com/gDbD0myJxA

— Trump War Room – Text TRUMP to 88022 (@TrumpWarRoom) October 11, 2020


Joe Biden was confronted again on Saturday on whether he would pack the Supreme Court.

This article was sourced from The Gateway Pundit

Read 1722 times Last modified on Sunday, 11 October 2020 19:49

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