Right Vs. Left News

Friday, 13 November 2020 19:00

AOC’s Death Stare at Sen. Manchin Shows the Divide in the Democratic Party Featured

Written by Mary Chastain
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You’re so hip, AOC. So brave. Much wow.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) thought posting a picture of herself throwing a death stare at Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) in response to him condemning socialism and defunding the police was a smart idea.

Instead, it shows how AOC is full of herself and there’s still a divide in the Democratic Party.


I also find it hilarious that she talks down to President Donald Trump over his personality and yet she can act like a child.

Someone also needs to remind AOC that just because you’re loud doesn’t mean you’re right and everyone agrees with you.

God forbid someone criticizes you, AOC. How many times have you done that to your fellow Democrats?



— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) November 12, 2020



AOC has got to get out of her head and box. She is so focused on herself that she just cannot imagine how others think and feel.

Did AOC ever consider West Virginia? Manchin is a Democratic senator in a deep red state. He is in the Senate to represent the people of his state, not AOC’s over-the-top socialist agenda.

But everyone who screamed Medicare-for-All won re-election! According to AOC, that must mean every single American wants socialism, right?

This article was sourced from LegalInsurrection

Read 1763 times Last modified on Friday, 13 November 2020 21:06

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