Right Vs. Left News

Saturday, 07 November 2020 12:30

Why the supposedly racist Trump grew his numbers with black and Latino voters Featured

Written by Gianno Caldwell
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They called Donald Trump “the grand wizard of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.” They said Donald Trump is a “racial arsonist.” They even warned that if you support Donald Trump, you’re a racist, too.

Democrats have been demonizing the president as a bigot since he descended his golden escalator in 2015. Indeed, many say that no black or Latino American should ever support Trump and that if they do, they are self-hating sell-outs.

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.), for example, said recently that young black men who “think somehow they can align themselves with Trump” are betraying their race.

“If they help put Trump over, and help him get elected, they will go down in history as having done the most despicable thing to their families, and to their communities, and to their mothers and their grandmothers,” Waters said. “They will shamefully be accused of having attributed to the lack of equality life for the people they claim to love so much.”

“I will never ever forgive them for undermining the possibility to help their own people and their own communities,” she continued. “It is absolutely unconscionable. It is shameful.”

As a black conservative, I am disgusted by Waters’ comments. I have been hearing charged language like this since I was a kid.

This article was sourced from NYPost

Read 291 times Last modified on Saturday, 07 November 2020 14:05

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